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BCL hartal in Rangamati underway

The dawn-to-dusk hartal enforced by Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) Rangamati district unit protesting attack on Supayan Chakma, general secretary of Sadar upazila unit of BCL, is underway on Tuesday, reports UNB.

Due to the general strike, all business establishments remained shut down since morning while public transports, including water vessels, were not plying.
A group of miscreants swooped on Supayan at Rajbari area of Sadar upazila and stabbed him indiscriminately, leaving him critically injured on Monday evening.
Following the attack, the BCL and Juba League leaders and activists of the upazila blocked Rangamati-Chittagong road.
At one stage, the clash ensued among police and BCL-Juba League men while the law enforcers tried to drive away them from the road, leaving 15 leaders and activists, including a local journalist, injured.
They later announced the hartal in the district town for Tuesday protesting attack on the BCL leader.


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