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UK stands beside Bangladesh on Rohingya issue: Boris Johnson

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Saturday assured of continuing its support to Bangladesh on Rohingya issue saying the UK stands beside Bangladesh.

He highly appreciated Bangladesh’s “incredible work” in making possible for Rohingyas to take shelter safely in Bangladesh.

The British Foreign Secretary reiterated its stance on “safe and dignified” return of Rohingyas to their homeland from Bangladesh and laid emphasis on creating conditions in Rakhine State, reports UNB.

He made the remarks after visiting Rohingya camp in Ukhia upazila of the district.

The British Foreign Minister reached transit camp of the UNHCR in Kutupalang at 1:45 pm and talked to some Rohingya people who took shelter in Bangladesh.

Later, he visited Balukhali camp and talked to Rohingya children at a child-friendly center.

The British Foreign Secretary saw and heard for himself the terrible things these people have been through.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam and British High Commissioner in Dhaka Alison Blake were present.

Earlier on Friday, British Foreign Secretary Johnson said the plight of the Rohingya and the suffering they have had to endure is one of the most shocking humanitarian disasters of their time.

"This is a man-made tragedy that could be resolved with the right political will, tolerance and cooperation from all those involved," he said.

The British Foreign Secretary left Dhaka for Myanmar where he will be talking to State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and other regional leaders about how they can work together to resolve this appalling crisis.

This was the first official visit by a British Foreign Secretary in ten years. He met Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday and discussed various issues of mutual interest.

The Foreign Secretary will travel on to Bangkok for talks with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and also meet the chair of the Advisory Board on the Rakhine Advisory Commission, Surakiart Sathirathai


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