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BNP’s dream of returning to power will exhaust: Quader

Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader on Saturday said BNP's sweet dream of returning to power will exhaust like a hallow balloon, reports UNB. "BNP started having a sweet dream of going to power following the chief justice's leave and the party's dialogue with the Election Commission. There's no point of such a daydream as it'll exhaust like a hollow balloon," he said. Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, came up with the comment while inaugurating the member collection and renewal programme of Awami League's Sylhet city and district units at the Registry ground there. Hitting out at BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir for his comment that Awami League will not get even 25 seats if their party joins the next polls, he said people will decide who will go to power. "You had once said Awami League wouldn't be able to return to power in 200 years, but we've been in power for nine consecutive years." Alleging that Khaleda Zia returned home after hatching a blueprint in London, he said but people will not allow her to implement it. Quader also said BNP has thought Awami League will not be able to overcome the Rohingya crisis and thus lose votes. "But our leader (Sheikh Hasina) has given 600,000 Rohingyas shelter and she's giving them various facilities. Our vote will see an increase over the issue." About their membership collection drive, he directed Awami League leaders and activists to focus on making new voters and women party members. The ruling party leader also asked his party colleagues to visit door to door for recruiting new members instead of filling up the forms sitting in party offices. He, however, warned that terrorists, extortionists and anti-liberation forces cannot be Awami League members.


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