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Eating egg everyday: Healthy or not?

Winter is set to knock on doors soon so its time to get your dose of eggs on a regular basis. Go for it without holding yourself back.

"Research has proven that, as opposed to the previous beliefs, eggs are actually good for health. Researchers have looked at the diets of people, and they have suggested that consuming eggs every day is not associated with cholesterol problems or heart disease," said Angeli Misra (Director Lifeline Laboratory).
Added Saumya Satakshi, Senior Nutritionist and Wellness Consultant, Healthians: "Eggs are low in saturated fat and they have no trans-fat, only a small amount of cholesterol. Most of the fat present in the eggs are the 'good' unsaturated fat that we need to be healthy."
Take a look at some of the common myths and find out the fact behind them.
* Myth: Eggs increase the blood cholesterol level and should be avoided!
* Fact: Eggs should not be avoided as they are an excellent source of protein. While measuring the impact of a food item on our blood cholesterol levels, saturated and trans-fat (the 'bad' fats) levels should be taken into account.
* Myth: Washing eggs before use can eliminate salmonella bacteria present on them
* Fact: Salmonella bacteria are present inside the egg and not on the surface of eggs or the egg shell. Hence, washing eggs will not really help in removing the bacteria.
* Myth: Having a lot of eggs in a day is bad for health!
* Fact: Scientifically it has been seen that up to three whole eggs per day are perfectly safe for healthy people.
* Myth: White eggs vs brown egg, which is healthier!
* Fact: Eggs come in many colours. The different eggshells colour comes from the pigments the hens produce. Hence, both white and brown have the same nutritional values and are healthy.
* Myth: Eating eggs can cause heart disease!
* Facts: Eating eggs and heart disease are not linked.
* Myth: Eating eggs can help in preventing blindness!
* Fact: Eggs can help in protecting our eyes with age-related blindness because of the various kinds of nutrients they are loaded with.
* Myth: Salmonella is found only in the yolks of raw eggs, so eating raw white eggs is safe!
* Fact: Salmonella bacteria is mostly found in egg yolk but even the egg whites are contaminated. So it is always advised not to eat raw or even undercooked eggs.
* Myth: Buying eggs from local farmers is safer than those purchased from the grocery store!
* Fact: Eggs come from chickens, and chickens harbour Salmonella bacteria. So there is no guarantee that farmers' market is a safer option as compared to the grocery store.


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