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How to enjoy your wine and still be safe

It's been a long, stressful day at the office, and you're looking forward to relaxing at home with a glass of wine or a good old "Klippies and Coke".
While the occasional drink after work may help you cope with stress, having alcohol on a daily basis may not be good for your health in the long run.
Don’t gulp – sip your drink slowly. 
• Pace yourself – limit consumption to one drink per hour.
• Stick to beer, wine, spirits or cider instead of tequila or vodka shots, which are high in alcohol and easy to swig back too fast.
• Avoid drinking games, or put on the brakes – they’re likely to promote rapid drinking.
• Alternate alcoholic drinks with non-boozy drinks/water and stay well hydrated.
• Eat before drinking and carry on munching while drinking. Food (especially high protein foods like cheese, meat, fish and peanuts) slows down the absorption rate of alcohol. 
• Don’t drink when you’re sleep-deprived or unwell; it will take less alcohol to get you smashed or even black out.
• Never mix alcohol with any other drugs/medications as they may increase the effects of alcohol.
• Plan ahead! Know your drink limit and stick to it; have a sober designated driver if you’re going out in a group; stay over; or call a taxi to take you home after partying up a storm.


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