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Primary, Ebtedayee exams begin tomorrow

Primary School Certificate (PSC) and Ebtedayee Examinations-2017 will begin across the country tomorrow (Sunday) as 30,96,075 students will appear it, reports UNB.
As many as 28,04,509 examinees will sit for PSC examinations while 2,91,566 students will appear in Ebtedayee examinations this year, primary and mass education minister Mostafizur Rahman told newsmen on Wednesday.
Of the total PSC examinees, 12,99,985 are male and 15,04,524 female while among the Ebtedayee examinees 1,53,152 are male and 1,38,414 female students, he added.
The total number of this year's examinees is 1,34,213 less than the previous year as 32,30,288 students appeared in the examinations last year.
The minister said the examination will take place at over 7,200 centres across the country and 12 centres abroad.
A total of 3,332 differently-abled students will appear in the examinations this year while they will get additional 20 minutes for completing their exams.
The examinations are scheduled to end on 29 November.


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